Bespoke garden designs in Choppington

Q: When is the best time for me to cut my Leylandii and mixed hedges?
A: To avoid disturbing nesting birds which is an offence
under the Wildlife and Country side act, the best time is usually from 1st
September to the end of February

Q: Do you offer year round ground's maintenance services?
A: Yes, and through discussion, we can help you proactively
identify potential issues with your planting stock and fences etc. as well as
provide reactive solutions

Q: What services do you offer?
A: Please take a look at the rest of the website for tree surgery, landscaping, ground maintenance, garden makeovers and transformations, hedge cutting, fencing and stump grinding. You can also visit our advertising on YELL.com

Q: Do you always visit before providing a quote?
A: Yes, as we find this is the best way to build rapport with
clients, get an understanding of the proposed works and site conditions etc.

Q: Do you provide written quotations?
A: Yes, and also summarise the tasks for the proposed works

Q: Do you establish whether there are any restrictions to
proposed works?
A: Yes, we get clarification from planning
departments or utilities as required prior to quoting and/or undertaking any
Get in touch
If you're looking for bespoke garden designs in Choppington, call now on
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